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Playlist "Unlock the world of Open Badges"

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Playlist "Unlock the world of Open Badges"

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This playlist will provide a range of resources and experiences which will help you to learn about digital open badges. You will learn about the essentials, value and examples of open badge systems. You will get tips and hints how to create badge systems for your own organisation.

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What is an Open Badge?
20 minuta
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Good badge system should be well aligned with the process that your learner/participant/member is going through.Here are the steps:
  1. Identify the programme or process where you would like to use badges.
  2. Define who are your typical 'users' of that programme:
  • What is their age?
  • What are their interests in taking part in this programme?
  • What is their state of mind or competences at the beginning and the end of the journey?
  • What devices do their use?
  1. Define the main steps and choices that your 'user' needs to take into account.
  2. Identify some milestones or important moments where a badge can be helpful.
  3. Define what are the challenges with this programme? Which challenges can potentially be addressed by open badges?
It will help you to understand the goals and needs for your badge system.


  • User Person and User Journey for Badge system

Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

User Journey Designer Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

This badge shows my experience in creating a 'User journey' of the educational process or program, which potentially may use open badges. I defined the main steps, user profile, their feelings and experience throughout the journey. I identified challenges that people might experience. I defined how badges can be helpful in this journey.
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: odobreno
Upload a photo of your user journey or describe it shortly in written form. Please add what challenges did you identify, which could potentiually be addressed by open badges.


#digital competencies
#manage portfolio
#assessment process
#application practice
#develop digitized educational materials
#recognise opportunities
#monitor portfolio
#offer learning support
Aktivnosti: 6
Započeto: 24
Završena plejlista: 1
Vreme za završetak: 5 sati 25 minuta
Podelite :


Lithuanian Association of Non-formal Education
Badgecraft drži i razvija ovu platformu sa vodećim obrazovnim organizacijama. Program Evropske unije Erasmus+ odobrio je sufinansiranje za izradu prve verzije ove platforme. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
Promenite na drugi jezik:
Kofinansirano kroz Erasmus+ program Evropske Komisije
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