Searching for a job

Searching for a job

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Get ready to search for a job!

During this training session you will learn job search. You will be able to understand where the types of job are seeking and likely to be found, design tailored CVs or resumés, prepare customized cover letters, and develop a network that will help you to find employment.

This training session will help you to:
  • apply and adapt a wide range of strategies and resources to identify and gain work, particularly through networks and contacts.
  • filter job offers in accordance with their identified abilities and resources.
  • describe your own skills, knowledge and experience in terms that address specific job criteria and consider how to present yourself appropriately.
  • develop your brand - online portfolio, social media sites, etc.
  • keep your profile up to date and showcase your professional, academic and co-curricular achievements.
  • select the right evidence to include in an ePortfolio/social network profile.

Complete the following activities:
  1. Learn about some self-marketing strategies.
  2. Create or update your e-Portfolio using handouts: Tips for e-Portfolio.
3. Read handouts: Tips for Job Interview watch Youtube videos with job interviews

and write down the most important points from those interviews.
4. Divide into pairs and make a job interview. The interview should not be longer than 10 minutes.
5. Imagine you are interviewed by the employer for a job in your number one career choice. Assume you have completed all necessary education, training and preparation. Employer asks you to name the abilities, skills and values you could bring to the job. Support your claims using the handouts: Career reality testing sheet No 1.
6. In the handouts: Career reality testing sheet No 2, you have to name your important work values and how they would be expressed in your career choice.
7. In the handouts: Career reality testing sheet No 3 list education, training, experience or training that you have and will be helpful to perform well in the career choice. Also list the preparation you still need in order to qualify for that job.

This activity includes best practices of Jaunimo karjeros centras provided for the project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment that is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.


Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

Searching for a job Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

Earners of this badge participated in the job search training session on career planning as part of the DARE - Day One Alliance for Employability project. The aim of this training session was to understand where to search for a particular job, design tailored CVs or resumés, prepare customized cover letters, and develop a network that will help to find a job.
This badge is the digitally verified micro-credential that you got to know the following:
  • places and ways of looking for a job.
  • job-offer resources.
  • formal and informal job application processes.
  • different ways of presenting yourself in career search terms.
  • aware of different social/professional networking sites.
  • how to describe skills, knowledge and experience in relation to stated job requirements.
  • e-Portfolio – components, types, purposes, existing ePortfolio sites.
  • privacy issues and safety risks in social networks.

The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.
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Complete training session activities.

Značke znanja


#implement content strategy
#job opportunities
#manage knowledge
#media forms
#advertising skills
#perform online information searches
#use online communication tools
#online job platform
#manage portfolio
#curriculum aims
#analyse curriculum
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