Critical thinking

Critical thinking

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Get ready to learn what critical thinking is!

During this training session you will learn about critical thinking, its context, analyze and evaluate information and arguments using critical thinking elements and practice critical thinking in the career management process.

This training session will help you to:
  • enhance your knowledge related to critical thinking;
  • learn about critical thinking dimensions and their value to problem-solving;
  • learn to acquire problem-solving strategies not jumping to conclusions;
  • know how to think contextually, to consider the big picture and to connect personal problems to social issues.

Complete the following activities:
  1. Read the handouts: “Critical Thinking – a Historical Overview” and to build up your own definition of critical thinking using the text evidence.
  2. Look at the handouts: “What Is Happening in this Picture?” and answer to question: what do you think is happening in the picture (1-2 sentences).

This activity includes best practices of Jaunimo karjeros centras provided for the project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment that is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.

  • Cover image: Photo by Zak on Unsplash

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Critical thinking Pridobi to značko

Earners of this badge participated in the mind development training session on critical thinking as part of the DARE - Day One Alliance for Employability project. The aim of this training session was to understand the context of the critical thinking, analyze and evaluate information using critical thinking elements.
This badge is the digitally verified micro-credential that you got to know the following:
  • recognize and clarify problems;
  • analyse and evaluate arguments, interpretations, believes or theories;
  • compare different views;
  • evaluate information and its sources critically;
  • communicate effectively, organise information logically with well-argued views.

The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.
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Complete training session activities.


#identifying problems
#provide legal arguments
#think critically
#communicating effectively and efficiently
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Potreben čas za dokončanje: 1 ura 30 minut


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