Get ready to strengthen self confidence!
During this training session you will create a sense of confidence in which you will be able to recognise your inner strengths so that you can realise potential and use your strengths to facilitate the growth.
This training session will help you:
- To be aware that you already have many of the subjectively important competencies.
- To identify your strong points.
- To put in practice methods and techniques for decision-making.
Complete the following activities:
- Look at the handouts: Going Camping and follow the instructions of the exercise.
- Write down the answers of the task: What do you want to do?. After you finish please find overlapping answers in each of the 3 areas.
- Now assess your competencies and abilities. Take the handouts: Wheel of Competence and get familiar with the task: The wheel of competences. Do not forget to list at least five ways that you will be able to raise this specific competence that you have just selected.
- The decisional balance tool helps to weigh up the pros and cons of any decision that you are about to make. Look at the Balance tool and write down the pros and cons of your current position.
This activity includes best practices of Lodz Chamber of Industry and Commerce provided for the project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment that is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.